A S   T A U G H T   B Y   Y O G I   B H A J A N

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful yogic technology which increases health and vitality and awakens the practitioner to their own innate personal power. Physical asanas or postures and movements are combined in specific order with breath and mental focus to bring about specific effects through your whole being, from the very physical to the most subtly energetic.  There are hundreds of Kriyas (exercise sets) with a huge range of targeted effects, but overall the practice naturally gives rise to a sense of inner balance, clarity, well-being, happiness and "switched on-ness" or aliveness.

Mantra and the use of the sound current for healing and awakening is a unique aspect of Kundalini Yoga also, as we tune in and close each class with mantra and song. Many meditations involve mantra and the bij (seed) mantra is Sat Nam - Truth I am.

Kundalini is the nerve of the soul. It is a natural force residing in every human being which can lie dormant or can be awakened. All yogas aim to raise the Kundalini, or the potential energy of the soul, so that we can become what's known as the possible human. But Kundalini Yoga gets you there faster. It is possibly also the safest form of yoga as, while your vibration and energy rises, you are at the same time conditioning your nervous system and all other systems to integrate the changes as they happen. Your life flows better, you feel more yourself, you have more conscious choice in how you relate to others and the magic of life reveals itself.

Perhaps the best thing of all is that you don't have to be young, fit or flexible to practice Kundalini Yoga and experience its benefits. Variations of poses are always offered to get the energetic benefits of the exercises. You also don't have to wear anything special or believe in anything in particular to do it. In the beginning is the experience, so come and have one and decide for yourself!

Photos of Jai Ram by Emilia Gray of Onesies & Co